How To Write Protect USB Flash Drive (Pen Drive) ~ latest-cracker

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Wednesday, August 31, 2011

How To Write Protect USB Flash Drive (Pen Drive)

USB Flash Drive is the most preferred and handy way to share or transfer data from one computer to another and with this their is a great risk of getting it infected by virus, so to protect USB drive from virus we need to Write Protect USB Flash Drive, Lets see the whole article on How to do so..

How To Write Protect USB Flash Drive

Actually speaking their are many methods for how to write protect USB flash drive but I am going to share the most easy and effecting way to do it.

USB Write Protecter
 is the well known handy software for protecting Pen drive which will help you to defend your drive from virus and their are many other advantages also.

How To Write Protect Pen Drive with USB Write Protecter

Just follow these below easy steps and you are done with write protect USB flash drive :
Write Protect USB Flash Drive
  • Just put that protection On and you are done, now no one can delete the files
  • You can further turn Off the protection to delete or copy any file
So friends, I hope you enjoyed this article on Write Protect Pen Drive and if you have any problem or want to share your own views the please do comment for "How To Write Protect USB Flash Drive"


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